I am an enthusiastic amateur inventor and I would like to tell you about how I plan to revolutionise the music industry.
It stems from a long time search for a new note. One sought after for many a moon; the elusive B#. Now, I'm not going to pretend to have found it, but I think I'm close. only with another new note that I call 'B-Blunt'. I've named it after my favourite singer and tank commander.
I think it's important that I describe the note to you so you can imagine my excitement at its discovery. It sounds like a combination of: delirium, tinitus and the sound of the initial incision in a French Autopsy. Now imagine that held for four beats by a bassoon (which incidentally is my instrument of choice after progressing from the clarinet at age 9) and I trust that has painted an excellent aural picture for you.
How might I go about patenting my new musical note? I shall have to get it done quickly, I already feel like I've told you too much.
Many thanks,
David Hall
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