Tuesday, 28 May 2013

To Homebase...


My name is David Hall and I have recently passed a BTEC First in Marketting and Business Studies. As part of my course, I did a case study of a business and suggested strategies to improve it. I chose Homebase. I thought I'd send you my ideas to see if you like them. Maybe if you like them, you can hire me as a freelance consultant?

1. Branch out into stereoes and call yourselves Homebass. It will be a move that is down with the kids.

2. Call all the areas of your shop, something-base. i.e. Patiobase, Sharp sandbase, Weedkillerbase. People will enjoy saying -base after all your products. McDonalds do a similar thing with the prefix Mc-.

3. Get a mascot; call him Homie. It would work well if he was a bi-polar black American from the Bronx. On the surface, he's warm and cuddly and welcoming. But underneath, there's the dangerous edge of a man who could become very angry if you don't buy your drill bits from him.

4. Write a new slogan. It should say, 'A House is not a Home unless it's Based in Homebase.' because it rolls off the tongue, or 'Homebase Homes.' because of the 'huh' sounds.

And lastly, 5. Make sure you put the turning wheels on the front of your trollies. They're a nightmare to push.

I hope that advice helps. I'm always willing to chat, so get in touch if you want any more tips.


David Hall

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