Wednesday, 30 May 2012

To The Elder Wisdom Circle 4...

 YOUR ORIGINAL QUESTION:  Hello.I have a serious moral dilemma and I am at a loss as to how I should deal with it. Recently I joined the Air Force as a pilot; all was going well until I received my latest mission.

A large ape has taken a female hostage and scaled the Empire State Building. We are to fly in and shoot the creature down.

Now as a vegetarian I am already morally adverse to any sort of animal cruelty, but what I am really concerned about is possibly exascerbating the situation. How do primates usually respond to machine gun fire? I am terrified to take this mission on... should I turn in my wings now?

Please help. We fly out imminently.

ELDER RESPONSE:  Guess you're safe... at least for the moment.  When I turned on the news this AM they indicated that the day... as well as the damsel... was saved by Mighty Mouse who came flying in at the last moment.  So you dodged the bullet this time.  But next time?

As far as your job future? It might be best to turn in your wings.  You might be better off... say working in a coal mine.... as you don't seem up to the task of flying high or pulling the trigger.  Hiding below ground might be a better choice.  Just make sure to wear traditional work clothing while working.  Hate to see you ruin a sophisticated suit.

However if you remain as a pilot keep in mind that refusal to obey a direct order... or dereliction of duty... is a court marshal offense.  If done in time of war it could also bring about the death penalty.  I think firing squads are passe... but most folks, like apes, don't respond well to gun fire.  Hanging might be another option if you feel you want to be a real swinger.

Regardless of your choice keep your head down and your powder dry.

               Best Regards,

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