My name is David Hall and I have been a huge fan of yours for many years. Allow me to explain why:
When you played the captain of the Star Ship Enterprise, you were really great. From the way you swivelled in your chair, to the way you pressed all those colourful buttons - I will always endeavour to use office furniture like you do.
I suppose another of the biggest reasons for my admiration of you is your ability to occasionally have more hair on your face, than on top of your head. The bearded, but bald combo personifies greatness and is emblematic of your brilliantness. I might shave all of my skull apart from the chin to be just like you.
I also think that you portray an excellent wheelchair user, which is important when disabled people get such little representation in films. I sometimes use disabled toilets in your honour.
I hope to hear back from you soon. It would be amazing to hear from the best X-man.